Who we are

Welcome to KATAANGA CHRISTIAN CHILDREN GROOMING AND NURTURING Organisation, where faith meets service. Our Christian organization offers loyalty programs, exceptional customer services, and a personal touch to every interaction. Join us in spreading love and compassion. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children and beyond.KATAANGA CHRISTIAN CHILDREN GROOMING AND NURTURE ‘Reaching the Unreached Communities with the Love of God’


1. Raise awareness among parents or guardians to ensure all children attend school.

2. Develop strategies to eliminate child marriages, pregnancies, abortions, and immoral behaviours.

3. Engage in mission and evangelism to spread the message of God’s love and salvation locally and globally.

4. Provide social, economic, and spiritual empowerment to children, orphans, the elderly, and vulnerable communities.

5. Empower orphans and vulnerable individuals to prevent child marriages, pregnancies, abortion, and violence in homes and communities.

6. Strengthen family units through workshops, counselling services, support groups, and promoting healthy family dynamics.

7. Promote education for vulnerable children and provide comprehensive support to ensure their retention in school.

8. Foster good stewardship, integrity, dignity, and responsibility within the community.

9. Undertake any other necessary actions conducive to achieving these objectives.

10. Develop pathways to care for, support, and empower vulnerable children and the elderly.